Thursday, April 23, 2009

How to Overcome the Fear That Comes Along With Goal Achieving

Many times in our lives, we are faced with a decision to move forward in the direction of our dreams. We can see the goal just up ahead, and all we need to do is act. But we stand still, we do not act, and we stay where we are. Why do we do this to ourselves over and over again? Why do we stay in the abusive relationships, the unhealthy environments, the minimum wage job, when really there is an unlimited supply for all of us?

The first step is for us to understand the way we are working, to understand our conscious and subconscious mind.

Step 2

Our conscious mind is where we have the ability to build beautiful pictures for ourselves of the lives we want to be living (although most people rarely use this ability to it's positive). We have really been conditioned to imagine the worst case scenario. And guess what happens? Usually, the worst case scenario, or something quite close to it. Second step: Imagine the best life you could possibly live. What does that look like in your conscious mind?

Step 3

You need to understand that the images you are holding in your conscious mind, when you imagine them over and over again, when you become emotionally involved with them though any of your emotions. Those pictures sink into your marvelous and mysterious subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is what is dictating the actions that you are taking in your life.

I want to use an example that I have heard from people in the past. I knew a lady who continually found herself in negative relationships. She always asked me "why do I keep attracting men to me who are so abusive and negative". She did not understand that her father was abusive to her mother. Her first boyfriend was abusive, her next boyfriend was abusive. She had a cycle that she had created for herself. In her conscious mind she pictured herself in these situations. That's all she really knew. She never took the time and energy to think about what kind of relationship she would prefer. What would a positive, loving relationship look like to her?

Step 4

Okay, now you may say, "I know what kind of relationship I want though, and I know what kind of home I want to live in. I can see it clearly in my mind." That's great! I'm proud of you and you should be proud of yourself for creating your life the way you want to, regardless of what is going on around you. That's the next step. Give yourself a pat on the back!

Step 5

This is where most people stop. They WISH and they HOPE and they really would like something different, something better in their lives. But they begin to feel afraid. The new idea of a better life is so far from what they are currently experiencing that they let the fear stop them and they go right back into their old ways of being and thinking, wishing and hoping for "better luck." That's step five: Be aware of that fear. Know that the fear is only your old subconscious conditioning trying to get in the way of your new ideas for yourself.

Step 6

Let's use the abusive relationship again. You're in the relationship and you see a better life for yourself. You imagine it over and over, and BANG! All of a sudden you see a way out. You have been given the gift of an intuitive idea. You know that you can change things, you become afraid, but this time you recognize the fear, you step through the fear in ACTION. You take action in whichever positive way you can and you break the old conditioned behavior. You say "oh wow, that was easier than I thought. Why was I so afraid?" It can be challenging to create a better life for yourself, but when you see what it is that has been holding you back all this time, a beautiful life will come rapidly. Keep stepping in the direction of your dreams. Never let fear stop you from being the beautiful, positive, shining light that you are.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What Is ATTITUDE And Why Is It Important To You?

You can't build anything without a solid foundation. The "A" is for Attitude - the foundation sustaining all successful people. Attitude is the "advance man" of our true selves.

The roots spread inward and are anchored in past experiences, and the fruit branch outward exposed for all to see. Attitude is both our best friend and our worst enemy. It is more honest and more consistent than our words.

It is a manner which draws people to us, or repels them. It is never content unless it is expressed. It is the librarian of our past, the speaker of our present, and the prophet of our future. Yet, who controls our attitude?

Your attitude is 100% within your control! There are plenty of things in life that we have no control over. For example, there is absolutely nothing we could do about how people react to us, or our products and services. All we can do is control the manner in which we react. Yet, so many people let the reactions of others determine their outlook for the day. Think about it; are you as positive, upbeat and driven on a day full of rejection or criticism as you would be on a highly successful day?

How do you react to failure? Do you walk away discouraged and complain about it or do you take control, stay focused, accept a lesson learned, and go on with your life? Success is based on good judgment and good judgment is founded on experience. The only way one can gain experience is through failure. We have to fail often to succeed once. This, and the way you react, is a reflection of attitude.

How you react, how you think, what you say to yourself or what you believe about yourself are all within your control and are portrayed by your attitude. You must first realize that your attitude is 100% within your control and then, learn to reflect, confirm and take hold of that attitude.

You must improve the attitude you hold towards yourself. Learn to overcome fear and to deal with rejection and failure in order to increase your productivity while saving time and money.

What is your attitude towards your organization, the team players and the products and services? Do you have an owner's mentality? If so, what would you do differently? Why are you not doing it?

You must address these issues and possess a strong belief before you can move forward. Otherwise, the negativity is reflected in your attitude and is portrayed in your body language.

If you don't believe in yourself and the organization that you represent including the team, the products and the services; then, it is time to find something you do believe in.

It is impossible to engage others to believe in your product or service, if your attitude projects the opposite. Are you ready to improve?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Universal Truth

"I bargained with life for a penny,
And life would pay no more
However I begged at evening
When I counted my scanty store.

For life is a just employer,
He gives you what you ask,
But once you have set the wages,
Why you must bear the task.

I worked for a menials hive,
Only to learn ,dismayed,
That any wage I had asked of life,
Life would have willingly paid."

Monday, April 6, 2009

Joys of effortless living

I often wonder why there is so much struggle to our existence.Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could find a way to make our lives more effortless,balanced and peaceful?A way to free ourselves from our daily dilemmas to creating a life where making choices were much easier,where we experienced minimal effort to move forward,and where we were fully supported by nature in all our pursuits.

The key to this lies in gaining clarity about the purpose of your own existance.Why are we here and what are we aiming to do?I do believe each one of us on earth is hugely gifted and has a special purpose-but do we take the time to discover it in ourselves;or are we just on a treadmill of activity going almost nowhere?Do you want to be more successful or do you want to make a more significant contribution?Do you want more money or greater happiness?Whats the role of family and friends in our life?Whats our commitment to community and environment?If you had to make a real choice,what's that one thing that you would like your life to be about?On your deathbed,what is it that you would feel most proud about your life?

Some of the most powerful statements of purpose tend to revolve around an absolute and inner goal-absolute in that they are not set relative to others and inner in that their progress is not measureable by external parameters of evaluation like carrer,money,fame,achievement.

As you think deeply about your purpose and begin to anchor your life around it,you may well be surprised with the wonderful direction your life may effortlessely begin to take.

Consider that we have two types of purpose in our lives.There's the external purpose and then there's the core purpose.The external purpose of living is the roles we choose our lives-the roles at our work and our relationships;whether we want to be a business owner,an artist,a scientist,a tennis player or a homemaker.Also,our role as a parent,as a child,and as a friend.

The core purpose,i appears may well be the same for all of us-to circle around undertaking the inner journey of self-realisation;to build greater self-awareness and deeper understanding of who we essenstialy are;to conquer our fears and anxieties and eventually to transcend ourselves.

Once we make it the central theme of whatever we do,the notions of happiness,balance,and legacy are not longer illusory.As they say,"It does not matter what you do,but how you do it".

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Follow your spirit

The current economic scenario has seen global financial powerhouses topple,left traditional management and financial wisdom looking weak and exposed the extent of human greed.Meanwhile,the violent results of fundamentalism have shown just how often religion is used as a tool of dominance by the intolerant and unenlightened.After centuries of abuse,the planet's fragile ecology is threatened.This may be the first time in man's history that an increasingly interdependent and confused world,faced with multiple threats on multiple fronts,is collectively seeking change.What's needed is a human revolution-of the spirit.

Destruction is a positive sign
When things crumble around us,it leaves us no choice but to rebuild.Rebuilding is easier when there is no need to clean up the legacy garbage.Perhaps the biggest idea thrown up in these troubled times is that organized religion may be out of time.Like organized begging or crime syndicates,organized religion needs to be put down.The only this can happen is if people begin to see 'organized religion' for what it is-the irreligious corruption of spirituality.
The spiritual leader is meant to liberate human beings from bestial forces that shackle it-greed,hatred,anger,ignorance and materialism.By enabling negativity gradually to disintegrate,a spiritual leader can unlock a man's true potential-awakening him to the enormous power of unconditional love and tolerance.
But when this informal,one-on-one interaction with guru begins to take the form of organized groups,individual belief systems,egos and aspirations quickly begin to corrupt.The words of the spiritual master begin to be filtered through veils of individual and collective ignorance till it becomes practically unrecognizable and potentially destructive.

Religion is used to establish the supremacy of a race,to urge the invasion and conquest to geographical territory and to plunder enormous wealth.Freedom dies when it is overlaid with organized religion.The growing popularity of new age spirituality has helped trash religious dogma and control somewhat.People belonging to all faiths-or none-throng yoga center,meditation camps and healing groups.They are not told what to think but invited to explore their inner wisdom by calming mind and body.This is true self-empowerment.Intolerance,dependence,anger and laziness start to give way-at a different pace for different individuals-to be replaced by an understanding that living beings are united by more than the fact they are alive.This exposes the futility of divisiveness and hatred.No force is involved.

The process of unlocking one's hidden spirituality is a personal and individual journey.The true master or guru lies within.It is wise not to take external influences too seriously as these may be at a completely different stage of evolution from you.We may also unknowingly outgrow people who were able to once contribute to our development.Not understanding this can be devastating.Many people continue to seek the advice of those who are morally,intellectually,emotionally and spiritually inferior and then wonder why their world is collapsing around them.

There are a few small examples of how even a good thing can go terribly wrong.A guru,popular for an admittedly revolutionary breathing technique that unlocks spiritual potential,organized camps across many cities on his birthday.Devotees flew in from all over the world and large crowds congregated at the allocated venues.The crowds and cars predictably kicked up so much dust that all those who attended and attempted the deep breathing technique in the middle of the dust haze fell ill.Blind devotion led to near physical annihilation for many.

Amusingly,the first thing that ambassadors for most spiritual organizations will tell you is that they are the custodians of true wisdom.They will claim to be the Noah's ark that can carry you to safety while all other groups drown in their own ignorance.They fail the first test of spirituality:love and respect all.